
2014 International Conference on Business Innovation and Technology Management

Etkinlik Türü
Akademik Alanlar
Teknoloji Yönetimi
Etkinlik Tarihi
15 Ekim 2014
17 Ekim 2014
Başvuru Metni Son Tarih
25 Haziran 2014
Erişim Linki


International Conference on Business Innovation and Technology Management

is scheduled during October 15-17, 2014 in Osaka, Japan. It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Business Innovation and Technology Management. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Business Innovation and Technology Management.

Konu ve Kurullar vb.

Konu ve Kurullar vb.

                     ICBITM 2014 cover, but not limited to, the following topic- 




Önemli Tarihler



 VISA Announcement from ICBITM  

Please note ICBITM is not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Acceptance Letter issued by the ICBITM  Committee Board. 
Should your application be denied, ICBITM cannot change the decision of the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor will ICBITM engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy of Japan on behalf of the applicant. The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.

 Cooperated Journal 

Authors of accepted abstracts will have the opportunity of publishing their associated paper in the official conference proceedings, and a selection of papers will be considered for inclusion in the internationally reviewed Journals listed below.(more)

 Keynote Speech 

                                    Virtual Classroom's in the Real World

                                                   Aaron E. Martinson
                                                     English Department
                                            Sejong Cyber University, Korea
This presentation will focus on utilizing virtual classrooms for distance and face-to-face educators, including some of the most mainstream concepts that are currently being utilized as well as some future prospects that may interest educators in the near future.

Online Gönderi


Apply or ask questions per Email

Full Name: 
conference secretariat
Email Address: 
Online Özet-Tam Metin Gönderimi

Akademik Kongre/Sempozyum vb. Özet ve Tam Metin Gönderim Kuralları İçin Yazarlara Bilgi Yada Yazım Kuralları Kısmını İnceleyin. Akademik İndex Özet-Bildiri Değerlendirme Sistemine Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Aşağıdaki Linki Tıklayın

Online Sistemimize Dahil Olan Etknliklere; Online Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Tıklayın...  (Bu Linkte Online Sisteme Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Bildiri Gönderilebilmektedir.)

Etkinliğin İsmi
2014 International Conference on Business Innovation and Technology Management