
2015 International Business Conference in Maui

Etkinlik Türü
United States
Etkinlik Tarihi
04 Ocak 2015
08 Ocak 2015
Başvuru Metni Son Tarih
03 Aralık 2014


Please join The Clute Institute for our 2015 International Business Conference in Maui, hosted at the beautiful Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa located in Maui, Hawaii from January 4-8, 2015. In addition to the business conference, we are also hosting an education conference that will be held on the same days, at the same venue, and one registration fee will allow you to attend both conferences. There will be a post-conference tour on Thursday, January 8, 2015.

The business conference provides a forum for faculty and administrators to present their research on all aspects of business. Topics include, but are not limited to: Accounting, Auditing, Banking, Business Education, Business Ethics, Business Information Systems, Business Law, Business Teaching Methods, Computer Information Systems, Diversity Management, E-Commerce, Economics, Energy Policy, Engineering, Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems, International Business, International Energy Development & Usage, Management, Marketing, Service Science, Supply Chain Management, and Taxes.

For more information on this conference, post-conference tour, and future conferences, please visit www.CluteInstitute.com.




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Etkinliğin İsmi
2015 International Business Conference in Maui