Tavsiye Et. Yazdır

European Economics and Finance Society Fifteenth Annual Conference

Important Dates

  • Paper/Abstract submission deadline: March 31st, 2016
  • Paper acceptance notifications will be sent by April 15th, 2016.
  • The Preliminary Conference Program will be announced on May 27th, 2016.
  • Conference registration fee payment deadline: May 20th, 2016
  • The Final Conference Program will be announced on June 1st 2016.
  • Full paper submission as soon as possible but not later than June 1st, 2016.
  • An excursion will take place at the final day of the conference June 19th, 2016


Etkinlik Türü
Akademik Alanlar
Etkinlik Tarihi
12 Haziran 2016
Başvuru Metni Son Tarih
31 Mart 2016

Konu ve Kurullar vb.

Konu ve Kurullar vb.

Executive Committee


Professor Ansgar Belke

Universität Duisburg-Essen 

Contact details:
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, 
insb. Makroökonomik
Universitätsstraße 12
45117 Essen
Tel +49 201 183 277
e-mail: ansgar.belke@uni-due.de

Secretary General

Keith Pilbeam

City University London

Contact details:
Department of Economics
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Τel: +44 - 20- 7040 0258
e-mail: k.s.pilbeam@city.ac.uk


Dr Joscha Beckmann 
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Contact details:
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 
Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik
Universitätsstr. 12 
45117 Essen

Tel +49 201 183 215
Email: joscha.beckmann@uni-due.de


The EEFS has a broad focus covering many areas in economics and finance. Papers are solicited in all areas, including: 

  • Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
  • Financial Markets and Institutions
  • International Monetary Economics
  • International Finance
  • Growth and Development
  • European/World Integration
  • International Trade and General Equilibrium
  • Banking
  • Economics of Transition
  • Spatial/Regional Economics
  • Industrial Economics and Organisation
  • Political Economy
  • Public Economics
  • Labour Economics




Önemli Tarihler

Important Dates

  • Paper/Abstract submission deadline: March 31st, 2016
  • Paper acceptance notifications will be sent by April 15th, 2016.
  • The Preliminary Conference Program will be announced on May 27th, 2016.
  • Conference registration fee payment deadline: May 20th, 2016
  • The Final Conference Program will be announced on June 1st 2016.
  • Full paper submission as soon as possible but not later than June 1st, 2016.
  • An excursion will take place at the final day of the conference June 19th, 2016




Keynote Speakers

To be arranged

Paper Submission

Abstracts of papers and/or session proposals should be submitted electronically by March 31st, 2016 to the scientific committee of the conference as attachments (.doc or .pdf format) through the conference submission webpage at:


Abstracts of no more than 200 words should contain JEL classification codes. The authors’ full name, affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail for correspondence should also be indicated. An entire paper may be submitted, when available, but it must include an abstract.

Proposals for complete sessions are also encouraged. Each session should be made up of three or four papers. We welcome theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers. Participants are expected to serve as program chairs and discussants at the Conference sessions.

Acceptance letters will be sent by April 15th 2016

Full paper submission is encouraged along with abstract submission.
If you cannot submit the full version of your paper by March 31st then please submit an abstract and make sure that you submit the full version as soon as possible thereafter but no later than June 1st, 2016 so that the other session
participants can access it before the conference.

Conference Registration Fee
The conference fee is €280 and should be paid by May 15th 2016. It covers access to all sessions, a welcome reception on the evening of 11th of June, buffet lunches and gala dinner, conference coffee breaks and conference material.
Conference fees will not cover the participation in the voluntary excursion planned on the 14th of June.

The conference fee for research students is €180 (a covering letter of proof of research student status is required either from your supervisor or the head of your department). 

The fee for accompanying persons, which includes a welcome reception, lunches and gala dinner, is €120 per

Late payments: If conference registration and fee payment is not completed by May 20th an additional processing fee of €100 will apply.

If the conference registration and fee payment is not completed by May 20th the paper will not appear in the program. If your paper is accepted and you cannot complete the registration by May 20th please contact Joscha Beckmann at e-mailjoscha.beckmann@uni-due.de



The suggested way for paying the conference registration fee is by using your Paypal account (you can also use your credit card to make payment through Paypal). Please pay the registration fees to the email: eefs@gmx.de To complete your registration, after the transaction please send an email to eefs@gmx.de  With the Paypal transaction ID and the name/s of author/s. Please use the following title for your email “payment via Paypal_Last Name First Name”. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your fee, which concludes the process (please allow three working days). If for some reason it is not feasible for you to use a credit card please contact the conference organizers at e-mail joscha.beckmann@uni-due.de


You can also pay by Bank Transfer

BANK Sparkasse Essen

Please mention the name of the participant and "Registration".

The European Economics and Finance Society

IBAN DE 05 3605 0105 0000 2653 89


Online Gönderi

Online Özet-Tam Metin Gönderimi

Akademik Kongre/Sempozyum vb. Özet ve Tam Metin Gönderim Kuralları İçin Yazarlara Bilgi Yada Yazım Kuralları Kısmını İnceleyin. Akademik İndex Özet-Bildiri Değerlendirme Sistemine Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Aşağıdaki Linki Tıklayın

Online Sistemimize Dahil Olan Etknliklere; Online Özet/Tam Metin Gönderimi İçin Tıklayın...  (Bu Linkte Online Sisteme Dahil Olan Etkinliklere Bildiri Gönderilebilmektedir.)

Etkinliğin İsmi
European Economics and Finance Society Fifteenth Annual Conference

Tanımlanmış Sayfalardaki İçeriklerin Sorumluluğu Sayfa Sahipleri Üzerindedir.!!!İçerik, Akademik Metin ve Araştırma Metinlerini Kaynak Göstermeden Kullanmayınız!!!